Sunday, June 20, 2010

'Haji' Arep :D

well, harini, mak abah arep tokwan and angah came back from Mekah, buat umrah. Seriously I'm jealous with arep, he got to go first! Initially, before the MARA call, i am on the list jugak okay. Tapi, MARA punye pasal... sabar je lah :D

Feeling restless nowadays, don't know why. Ohh, went to PD this evening, batch trip. It was fun, i was forced to play, resulting in having soaked jeans. Which was heavy, causing it to melondeh hahahaa
Then, the others wanted to try the banana boat, since i didn't bring extra clothes, i just tag along in the speedboat. I loved it, the wind, the scenery. But hate the heat. And peningpening -.-
Sampai je kat khemah balik, amik port pastu tido hahahaa
Bertolak balik around 2 kot, because we went with the van sbb bas ke block with other buses. Dalam van toksah cerite laa, golekgolek kepala aku tido. Sedar sedar dah masuk simpang rumah dah hahaha

Hmmm, all my friends yang nak masuk program diploma 26th ni, dah ready ke korang??

oh aini, good luck with the accounts!! (i know you are much much better than me in accounts cause i suck effing bad haha) aini, i missed youu, lame kot tak cakap ;(
and i missed driving your car time pegi beli chicken pie and kuih tu hahaha :D

anas!! belagak eh kau, dapat tukar johor xp haaa, blaja btol2, jgn tido cam kat kelas lagi. Cucuk cucuk la mak kau, boleh dapat lappy sebijik :D

yang lain lain sorry aku taktau ape perkembangan korang skrg sbb aku tak sempat nk meng-update-kan diri aku. Hope you guys enjoy university life :)

As for myself, go and study lahhh ( Hahaha, taknakk!! :p )

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

happy belated birthday,

pakcik Alias bin Mustafa!!
haih, dah 50 ye pakcik. tua la. hahaha.
semoga sihat selalu, and dibukakan pintu rezeki :)

video ni menginsafkan.
paling tak tahan time die cakap :
'jika berdosa mak membesarkan kamu berdua, mak pohon adik dan along....ampunkanlah mak.'
touching ohh. :"(
people, learn to appreciate your parents.

Monday, April 5, 2010


why must you think badly about my friends?
why must you have bad impressions about my friends?
why you always judge my friends, saying they are this and that?
they are MY friends okay, i know them, you don't.
have i talked badly about your friends?
of course i have done that, because some of them annoys me, but i don't criticize them in front of you.
and the main thing is, i never told you to stop being friend with them.
i know you'll be pissed if i do that. don't you think i will too?
don't judge them in front of me, do it somewhere else.
and don't tell nonsense about my friends, you don't have the rights.
maybe i'm not that wise, but i know how to pick my friends.
i don't care if you don't like my friends, because I LOVE MY FRIENDS.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

:) :) :) :)

time result semalam was not so exciting. like when it was PMR result.
grateful for my result :) bersyukur but terkilan.
anyway, thanks abah :9
for this :) and also my back account XP