'hello, father kat mane?lame lg ke?' 'x la, dh abis dh..father tgh makan jap' 'wtf?abis kitorg cane?' 'tunggu jap, sat lg father dtg,nk byr jap.' CLICK. makan? abah makan jap? WITHOUT US? aku bukan la kebulur sgt but at least pelawa laa. pastu a few minutes later, both of them dtg dgn muke puas sbb perut dh kenyang and ckp'jom kite gi semayang dulu' cool je mcm xde ape jd.=_= btw, abah baik gile belikan mak 2 rings.yeah, 2. xpe la, org kaye kan. mintak belikan selipar pon xnk bg :D anyway, they said one of the ring [solitaire] is for coming mother's day+hadiah from abah+anniversary's gift so kire lepas ni xyh beli pape laa haha. sekarang ni kat dlm bilik, tgh makan lg, mak yg ajak makan.
Friday, May 1, 2009
makan BESAR
td lps tsyn addmath fzk sumpah aku benci trigonometry , abah n ariff went to this surau near the tuisyen that's the right spelling in bm. anyway, they went to perform solat jumaat and i waited in the car with mak. as if they knew i'm hungry, they packed me some food! i thought it was just the same nasi lemak from breakfast but siap ade buah lagi. and some hot tea in a FLASK! wtf, titibe cam syg gilee kat mak. :* tq mak
lepas tu we went to UK perdana aku pon xtau kat mane sbb tido ade org nk sewa rumah. blablabla, i sat in the car for almost 3 hours, dh la panas sbb harini panas and then i went up to the house since org yg nk sewa tu x smpai2 lg. lps dh solat sume, die smpai. and this guy mmg the heaviest smoker doh. masuk rumah ckp2 dgn abah, 3 btg abis. dh settle sume documents 1 1/2 btg abis kat luar rumah. pastu kitorg gi duplicate kunci nk bg kat die. jumpe die kt esso, kt tgn die rokok dh tinggal 1/2. dh settle bg resit sume, die psg lg satu time naik moto. gile la, klau aku jd bapak aku, mati aku bau bende tu. mase tu dlm nk dkt kol 5, mak aku nk gak gi sale habib. dorg gi aku lepak dlm kete dgn laptop. ariff dh gile sorg2 kt driver seat sbb dh xtau ape nk buat slps 2 jam tunggu, pastu kitorg dh x tahan, call la abah.
'hello, father kat mane?lame lg ke?' 'x la, dh abis dh..father tgh makan jap' 'wtf?abis kitorg cane?' 'tunggu jap, sat lg father dtg,nk byr jap.' CLICK. makan? abah makan jap? WITHOUT US? aku bukan la kebulur sgt but at least pelawa laa. pastu a few minutes later, both of them dtg dgn muke puas sbb perut dh kenyang and ckp'jom kite gi semayang dulu' cool je mcm xde ape jd.=_= btw, abah baik gile belikan mak 2 rings.yeah, 2. xpe la, org kaye kan. mintak belikan selipar pon xnk bg :D anyway, they said one of the ring [solitaire] is for coming mother's day+hadiah from abah+anniversary's gift so kire lepas ni xyh beli pape laa haha. sekarang ni kat dlm bilik, tgh makan lg, mak yg ajak makan.
so harini mmg makan besar. kalau la budak2 pompwan yg nk jage badan tgk ape aku mkn in one day, sure dorg gerun gile.haha well, i'm sure sume org skrg mcm cuak sbb tinggal 1 week ++ je lg sblm PPT. aku pon cuak gak but kemalasan lebih menguasai diri. nk wat cane kan?
'hello, father kat mane?lame lg ke?' 'x la, dh abis dh..father tgh makan jap' 'wtf?abis kitorg cane?' 'tunggu jap, sat lg father dtg,nk byr jap.' CLICK. makan? abah makan jap? WITHOUT US? aku bukan la kebulur sgt but at least pelawa laa. pastu a few minutes later, both of them dtg dgn muke puas sbb perut dh kenyang and ckp'jom kite gi semayang dulu' cool je mcm xde ape jd.=_= btw, abah baik gile belikan mak 2 rings.yeah, 2. xpe la, org kaye kan. mintak belikan selipar pon xnk bg :D anyway, they said one of the ring [solitaire] is for coming mother's day+hadiah from abah+anniversary's gift so kire lepas ni xyh beli pape laa haha. sekarang ni kat dlm bilik, tgh makan lg, mak yg ajak makan.
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gile tebaik dari bontot *****!!!
ReplyDeletemknn tu fuh~ kalau masuk perut aku tahan satu hari. haha
haha mati laa yg penting arini puas makan.
ReplyDeletetp yg tembikai dgn teh tu agak agk la, xde tibai sorg, share ramai2.
ReplyDeletemmg gerun baca post kau nih.. hahaha
oh jap jap lg satu..
ReplyDeletekau nih rjn n sabar sgt tgu dlm keter smpai 3 jam lebey eh?
aku sejam plg lama.. tuh pn da rasa azab sgt2.. tgu adk aku pg2 x smpi 5 mnt pn aku da rasa pns je.. hahahahha
ya!!idop afiqah!!makan je ape mau!!!
ReplyDeleteklau aku mkn sume tuh..ko bole pggil aku bob tau
ReplyDeletehahaha LOL
nas : bajet nk ngata aku mcm bob.ape yg aku phm laa. :D
ReplyDeletemuaz : betol. ko sorang je yg understanding. LOL
aini : tepakse ok, abis nk merewang kt tgh pns? sori la.