Yes. Big letters please. Shocked? Huh, don't.
Why? First,
- I hate other people in my room.
- Then, I love when everbody (makabahariff) are out cause the house is mine.
- I hate when I have to ikut pegi :- (tengok orang sakit, pegi rumah kawan abah, blablaa) cause kene cakap - cakap dengan orang lain.
- I hate following them shopping yet I don't get a damn thing. Jadi tukang angkat barang je.
- I hate going to the mall with the whole family cause they're boring.
(Tengok wayang taknak, windowshopping taknak, baik takyah pegi.)
Yet, I have to cause they're my money. $$$$
- Kalau dalam train or anywhere yang ada seat, I will avoid duduk sebelah orang yang berisiko tinggi akan start cakap untuk jangka masa yang agak lama dengan aku.
Bukan sombong ok, I just don't like talking. But, I love to talk. But..... Hah, whatever.
- I hate it when i realised that I love to not talking cause it reminds me of how alone I am. Thus, a loner.
So, what do you think? Does it make sense?
Damn, I hate not going to school. Makes me more alone. And weird.
Ok, NOW I'm a weirdo. Shit.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
12 jam.
harini, total hours of sleep 12 jam. wow. banyak gile mase aku membazir. and akibatnye, sekarang, pukul 2:42 am aku rase sangat energetic. and lapar. -_-"
just now, cam biasa la, korea-ing. found a variety show video about bizzare food challenge. the artist invited are challenged to eat ridiculous food. first they eat rice with coke. and dorang nampak semangat gile. wtf
pastu, the next food is cereal with seaweed soup. then followed by rice with ALOT of olive oil. paling tbb, frog legs pizza. paling geli.
3 hari baru, aku dah boring sampai takleh bercakap. somebody save me!
ariff dah stat tusyen, hahahaha padan muka. and gay gile, esok kuar dengan ariff gi midvalley sebab yang lain sibuk nak gi kelas KPP betul tak?
well, korang yang ade KPP esok, good luck!
just now, cam biasa la, korea-ing. found a variety show video about bizzare food challenge. the artist invited are challenged to eat ridiculous food. first they eat rice with coke. and dorang nampak semangat gile. wtf
pastu, the next food is cereal with seaweed soup. then followed by rice with ALOT of olive oil. paling tbb, frog legs pizza. paling geli.
3 hari baru, aku dah boring sampai takleh bercakap. somebody save me!
ariff dah stat tusyen, hahahaha padan muka. and gay gile, esok kuar dengan ariff gi midvalley sebab yang lain sibuk nak gi kelas KPP betul tak?
well, korang yang ade KPP esok, good luck!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
today,lepas tolong2 kat spbt, we went out to bukit raja to watch citer frog apetah. disney. mule2 ingat boring, tapi berbaloi jugak tengok, lawak. and, rushda nangis hahaha, aku tak nangis :P (satu kemajuan lol)
well, after the movie, masuk jusco, dorang beli2, aku tak minat, so tawaf jusco sampai hampir semua kakak2 cashier dah cam aku -.-
and then, gi kedai buku sebab mmg tak sah kalau keluar tak singgah kedai buku. kitorang masuk popular, aini histeria sebab die dah jumpe buku yang die nak gile2. rushda pun dah jangkit jugak dengan aini. and and shafiqah check out buku BEN 10. XD
jalan3, pergi kat area 'novel remaja', and we spotted the most ridiculous thing on earth SENJAKALA and CINTA BARU.

come on laa, tak kan dah takde idea sangat sampai kene tulis dalam bm. sedap ke bunyi
"sekarang saya sedar yang edward adalah seorang pontianak"
"jacob, adakah awak serigala jadian?"
pfft, nak sebut pon amik masa. serious shit owh. lepas ni, tajuk die GERHANA MATAHARI la kot. ape, ingat ni geograpfi form 3 ke? :|
well, after the movie, masuk jusco, dorang beli2, aku tak minat, so tawaf jusco sampai hampir semua kakak2 cashier dah cam aku -.-
and then, gi kedai buku sebab mmg tak sah kalau keluar tak singgah kedai buku. kitorang masuk popular, aini histeria sebab die dah jumpe buku yang die nak gile2. rushda pun dah jangkit jugak dengan aini. and and shafiqah check out buku BEN 10. XD
jalan3, pergi kat area 'novel remaja', and we spotted the most ridiculous thing on earth SENJAKALA and CINTA BARU.
come on laa, tak kan dah takde idea sangat sampai kene tulis dalam bm. sedap ke bunyi
"sekarang saya sedar yang edward adalah seorang pontianak"
"jacob, adakah awak serigala jadian?"
pfft, nak sebut pon amik masa. serious shit owh. lepas ni, tajuk die GERHANA MATAHARI la kot. ape, ingat ni geograpfi form 3 ke? :|
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