Tuesday, December 22, 2009

i think i'm a.....

Yes. Big letters please. Shocked? Huh, don't.
Why? First,
- I hate other people in my room.
- Then, I love when everbody (makabahariff) are out cause the house is mine.
- I hate when I have to ikut pegi :- (tengok orang sakit, pegi rumah kawan abah, blablaa) cause kene cakap - cakap dengan orang lain.
- I hate following them shopping yet I don't get a damn thing. Jadi tukang angkat barang je.
- I hate going to the mall with the whole family cause they're boring.
(Tengok wayang taknak, windowshopping taknak, baik takyah pegi.)
Yet, I have to cause they're my money. $$$$
- Kalau dalam train or anywhere yang ada seat, I will avoid duduk sebelah orang yang berisiko tinggi akan start cakap untuk jangka masa yang agak lama dengan aku.
Bukan sombong ok, I just don't like talking. But, I love to talk. But..... Hah, whatever.
- I hate it when i realised that I love to not talking cause it reminds me of how alone I am. Thus, a loner.

So, what do you think? Does it make sense?
Damn, I hate not going to school. Makes me more alone. And weird.
Ok, NOW I'm a weirdo. Shit.


  1. its okay. im here when u need me ;D

  2. saya faham. saya paling benci bila org yg tak dikenali membuat conversation.

  3. totally understand... the sudden change of event freaked me out... (x sekolah)
    and the perfect word for you my friend, depressed.
    i dnt think i like life anymore =.=
