Thursday, January 12, 2012

Long time no write onee

Ohh lamanya tak datang sini haaa. Lama sungguh. Tapi tak kisah, sebab ni my private writing corner, kalau rasa nak tulis baru datang hehee. Ohh okay okay, nak start tulis ni.

It's a freaking 8 degrees out there. EIGHT!!! How am I supposed to rely to only my body fat? I can die of a heart attack arghhhh Beku lah jawabnya nak gi kelas jap lagi. Haihh, dalam bilik ni pun shivering dah ni. *Itu lah, awal winter haritu gatal tak nak beli heater, sekarang rasa lah* T-T

When someone is badmouthing you, you can't help but to feel reallly bad, nangis-nangis sikit kalau you're a girl (lelaki pun ada jugak kot) and terasaaa sangat-sangat dengan apa yang orang tu cakap and you will start comparing yourself to their talking. Well, for me, if that person yang mengata aku tu is someone yang aku takpernahjumpadia/takkenaldia/takkawandengandia/dia siapa?/tahsapatahkatfacebooktu, then, I probably will ignore it (but marah-marah la jugak for a moment sebab, 'apahal dia ni, gila ke ape?') because that person is not a bit significant to me.

Tapiii, it's a whole different case if that someone is in your circle of friends. Tak friends pun tak apa lah, at least someone you know, or talked to at least once. The impact bila diorang cakap benda-benda tak baik about yourself (literally cakap or text, fb, whatever) you will feel like, 'Oh my god, betul ke aku macam tu selama ni, kenapa aku tasdf waaaaaaaaaaa....' (mengalir lah air mata perempuan/lelaki korang) sebab benda tu hit you in your face. Serious rasa macam kena tampar kat muka sebab dah la you know that person, and suddenly hearing they talked about you like that walaupun selama ni you tak buat jahat pun kat dia (kalau buat jahat kat dia takyah la nak drama kalau dia mengata korang, memang patut pun, so buat lah baik kepada semuaa C: ) I've experienced it, and it was painful. A few days jugak lah macam tak betul sikit, berfikir, teruk sangat ke aku ni etc etc. But Alhamdulillah, since I got the words straight from her, verbally, face to face, to me only, (I think so. Dunia ku menjadi gelap tatkala aku menerima berita itu daripada mulutnya Ececee :p ) I take that she is trying to correct my wrongs that I didn't realize doing. Since that moment, I've learnt so hard to make the best poker face ever (especially when I dislike/bored with something but it's too rude to point it out at that moment).

I guess bad things that happened to you in the past affect your character as much as it affects your principle in life. I was lucky my bad memories are all solved at last I suppose, I haven't been betrayed badly by anyone. Ada tu ada, tapi small matter, dah tak pandang dah.

What if you're so badly betrayed by the person you trust, and not just one person but many, and among them, includes your own family?

Bersyukur lah dengan nikmat kawan dan kepercayaan yang Allah bagi kalau korang tak pernah kena macam tu. Kalau pernah, berdoa kepadaNya supaya diberikan kekuatan untuk melalui dugaan ni. Ingat, Allah tidak akan menduga hambanya yang tidak mampu (yakni tak boleh handle the problems) Siapa yang Allah duga, maknanya Allah care pasal dia, Allah nak tengok, mampukah hamba aku ini bersabar. Bukan semua orang Allah ambil perhatian macam tu tau.

Wallahualam, nak pergi kelas dah :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

when disaster turns into an art

ink printer tumpah at home. Still keep that paper :D

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Berbaur - baur

Aku tak baik, so jangan label aku baik.
It feels wrong.

And lagi satu, kalau aku tak tunjuk aku marah, tak tau ke? Takkan sampai macam tu hebat sekali lakonan aku, sampai you are convinced that ' Oh takpe, dia tak marah'. ??
Common sense? Aku je ke yang ada benda ni?

Oh lagi satu, I only called myself 'Fiqa' when I'm with my family. I absolutely can not use that with you, no matter how 'sisterly' you are. I've tried, but I just can't. You just have to accept 'saya'. Thank god you don't get an 'aku' .

I'm pissed right now. Siapa ada gam-gajah-remover? I need one desperately now. I need to feel my fingers.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Masa, masa.
Kenapa tahun 2010 begitu cepat rasanya?

Mungkin untuk calon exam sahaja.

Jadi, hai calon PMR dan SPM.

Kerana dengan sedikit alpa.
Masa sudah nun jauh di sana.
Sedangkan kita?

Masih terkedek-kedek, bersuka-ria.

Afqh A

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

16 Feb 2011, 3:18 am

They are meant to be left just like that, as a beautiful happy memory.
Don't, by clinging to them, hope for something that'll not come in return.
Don't, turn the memories into sadness, pain, grievance.
Don't, let it wallow you in tears.
Don't, all that supposing beautiful memories, pains you.
Let it do its work.
Let it joys you.
Let it pleasures you.
Contents you.
Delights you.
Let the memory stays, as a blissful, warming moment to you.

Afqh A :)
3.34 am, 16/2/11

Sunday, June 20, 2010

'Haji' Arep :D

well, harini, mak abah arep tokwan and angah came back from Mekah, buat umrah. Seriously I'm jealous with arep, he got to go first! Initially, before the MARA call, i am on the list jugak okay. Tapi, MARA punye pasal... sabar je lah :D

Feeling restless nowadays, don't know why. Ohh, went to PD this evening, batch trip. It was fun, i was forced to play, resulting in having soaked jeans. Which was heavy, causing it to melondeh hahahaa
Then, the others wanted to try the banana boat, since i didn't bring extra clothes, i just tag along in the speedboat. I loved it, the wind, the scenery. But hate the heat. And peningpening -.-
Sampai je kat khemah balik, amik port pastu tido hahahaa
Bertolak balik around 2 kot, because we went with the van sbb bas ke block with other buses. Dalam van toksah cerite laa, golekgolek kepala aku tido. Sedar sedar dah masuk simpang rumah dah hahaha

Hmmm, all my friends yang nak masuk program diploma 26th ni, dah ready ke korang??

oh aini, good luck with the accounts!! (i know you are much much better than me in accounts cause i suck effing bad haha) aini, i missed youu, lame kot tak cakap ;(
and i missed driving your car time pegi beli chicken pie and kuih tu hahaha :D

anas!! belagak eh kau, dapat tukar johor xp haaa, blaja btol2, jgn tido cam kat kelas lagi. Cucuk cucuk la mak kau, boleh dapat lappy sebijik :D

yang lain lain sorry aku taktau ape perkembangan korang skrg sbb aku tak sempat nk meng-update-kan diri aku. Hope you guys enjoy university life :)

As for myself, go and study lahhh ( Hahaha, taknakk!! :p )

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

happy belated birthday,

pakcik Alias bin Mustafa!!
haih, dah 50 ye pakcik. tua la. hahaha.
semoga sihat selalu, and dibukakan pintu rezeki :)

video ni menginsafkan.
paling tak tahan time die cakap :
'jika berdosa mak membesarkan kamu berdua, mak pohon adik dan along....ampunkanlah mak.'
touching ohh. :"(
people, learn to appreciate your parents.